
Showing posts from March, 2022

Baseball pics are in

  Haven't decided if I'm buying these.. they are SO expensive... so for now, this will do! Maybe I'll find some spare change!

That time that God showed you ... that He would use what you thought to be a disability...

God thank you for consistently showing us that the path we chose was the RIGHT path. Feeling "different" is hard.  But your super power some day... makes you EXCEL! He immediately emailed his teacher and thanked her for sending me that email... and then closed in saying if her son every needed a friend of someone to encourage him, he would be more than happy to. What 13 year old does that!??  MINE!!!!!!!!! On Mar 16, 2022, at 6:54 PM, Kathryn Goldsmith < kgoldsmith@trinitychristian. org > wrote:  Hi Julie- just wanted to drop a quick note – Tristan is rocking Latin! I was thinking on how you were worried at the beginning of the year, and I’m just so impressed with how well he’s doing. He has one of the highest grades in Latin in his class! I know he works hard, and I’ve shared a little of this with him, but we are suspecting my kiddo (kindergartner) is dyslexic. He started take flight this year… anyway – it gives me so much hope to see how well Tristan is doing, and I ...

The only good thing that came from Covid was more family!!

During Covid... I got an email saying I was found on Facebook and  My dad's birth family.  And they live in AUSTIN!  What in the world!!  So after chatting over 2 years and a few zoom calls, we decided it was time to meet! So, for Spring Break - T and I flew down to Austin to meet my dad's birth family. It was A LOT OF PEOPLE.  Wonderful people.. but SO MANY OF THEM! LOL We heard a lot of stories, and saw memorabilia. This is my grandmother's obituary. A letter my mom wrote to my dad's brother Frank... who he lovingly calls Rusty. and here is baby Boots! My dad the cutie! I look like him a little here! We stayed at Kelly's and she had SEVEN CATS!  This is the only one that I could really play with ... 'Vids! We played footgolf.  It was FREEZING but so fun! Chris (Chrissy's boyfriend), Kelly, T, Aunt Pam (Frank's ex-wife) and Chrissy Me and Aunt Pam Me and T Ready to tee off! He LOVED this part! We were talking about being old, and surgeri...