
Showing posts from May, 2023


Dr. Chandler warned me... there will be doors CLOSED doors There would come a time (and we are here) that you would push away.  I wouldn't be needed, or wanted, or looked at other than the eye roll or the occasional *sigh* We're there.  You are just down the hall - but you are SO far. Yet, I feel moments.  Moments that I'm not completely annoying and you aren't completely in another world. But you are far.  I ask and you give very minimal details. I laugh and you tell me I'm making a big deal or nothing OR that wasn't supposed to be funny. Every move I make is "wrong" but you are talking to me. And I am grateful. The door is there.  It's closed. But it's somehow closer. But I miss you. Sometimes I sit and wait for you to ask for something.  For help. Tonight you wanted popcorn and ice cream vs. "I'll make my own snack".  There is something SO amazing about your child fending for themselves, forging their own way.  But it's REA...

Very Happy Memorial Day

 Anytime spent with Tristan is precious... and it was a beautiful day!!! But with a win for me against these two... it's even better! So thankful for all of the men and women that lost their lives protecting our freedoms.  And I'd be remiss not to mention the families that gave up SO MUCH... the ultimate price... their spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, cousin, uncle, sister, brother, aunt, grandma, best friend... and so on.   WE NEED to be thankful.

Final wilderness photos

He's home!

Wilderness Trip - 8th grade class of 2027

 Tristan was off for 6 days on a trip of a lifetime...  Wetzel!! hahahahaha a hiking they will go... Josh Liu! Counselor of the year :) They made their own tents... BIIIIIG YAAAAAAAWN I love the "calm before the storm" photo God's beauty day... and night... This reminded me of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys... Jackson My burned baby boy! G-Money!   Noah Breakfast time Allie!! Trent Hunter There are hundreds of photos and we moms are SO THANKFUL for proof of life!!! Last day included baptisms.  T saw some of his friends get baptized - SO AMAZING!! So many more pics here... https://ethanfrancis.smugmug. com/TCA-Wilderness/TCA- Wilderness-2023 but my favorite... GOTCHA!