
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Alamo guy

Well, I will never be one to celebrate Texas Chapel - it annoys me so much... but every year - I suffer through. And this year... T needed to be Jim Bowie! Lord have mercy - is that a button shirt!?!?!?!? Well, he sucked it up and did it...sort of. and Braeden was Juan Seguin  (I know... WHO!?!?!?!) (Sheila killed it with that one - and pulled it out from her clothes from the 90's) Mr. Clarke's favorite chapel - can you tell?? and he read something IN FRONT OF EVERYONE AND KILLED IT!!! video is too long..will try and add YouTube clip!

We didn't place... but we win

So proud of Tristan for getting into Math Olympics... even got a free day off from school with friends and even though we didn't place - we win with a big boost in confidence! So proud of my boy!!

Q3 - way to go Tristan!!

so proud of you!!!!

I will miss you Kimmie


Holt's 2nd post


Holt's post to Kimmie


The highs and lows

On Thursday Kim had another MRI.  Holt took her and he seemed relatively somber and worried. Kim is in incredible pain (even though she doesn't admit it much) and she's had headaches again.  All things considered, this has never been good news. Friday, she went with Lon to get the results.  Not good. Not good at all.  Cancer in the lining of her brain. Nothing is shocking really - but the news always - ALWAYS - shocks me. I can't even cry. I sit there numb.  So many questions - how, why, WHY IS SHE FACING EVEN MORE!?!?!?!  I know the Lord CAN heal her, why is He choosing not to?   And in the same breath, I know out of all the trials and tribulations in my life. The fear, the hurt, the pain... none of them make Him less God. Thy will be done.  That's all I can say over and over.  In my marriage, in my finances, in Tristan's schooling, his dyslexia, our family issues, my mom's health and needing to move, my dad's loneliness, ...