Reunion, family and fun

laughing on cue... I look like I'm about to eat Chrissy...

reenactment of "the fall"

Adding little Ya Yas

then off to what I thought was a great start to a fun weekend

Kris Stott - my goalie!!

my girls...

words cut like a knife... and sadly, I let them ruin my reunion.  That's all I care to put on here...

But, I forgave, and now it's time to move on.

But, whoever said 

"sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me..."


Saturday we headed to Founders Day. Cool cars to see..

and didn't get a full history lesson but he stood beside Harriett Tubman's statue.

Sunday, after some one-on-one time with Lisa and Chris - we headed to the Great Race to cheer on Jen and Tracy...

way to go girls!!

I then kept running into my Aunt's friends (who had no idea who I was)

and squeezed my Ya Ya's as much as I could...

Cuz I knew it was time to say goodbye

The three of us headed To Kristin Ferrarccio's house to see the sunflowers!!


they make me SO happy... and I needed some happy

throw in some animals and BAM - instant pick me up!!

Tristan just LOVED ALLIE!!

More of Mom and Auntie T's friends!!

SUCH a fun day!

Monday night we met Bumpa for ice cream and mini golf...

#16 at Hole #16 

Somme days I wish I could stop time...

 they were both pretty darn happy!

Thankful for trips home. They aren't perfect.. but life never is. They are always worth it!!

We grabbed Aunt Jeanne and headed to Rochester to see Auntie T and family 

... first stop - Angry Birds 2!!

Last but not least... Aunt J & Uncle J dropped us off!

We will miss you NY!!!


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