The met Oz!
SO the big thing at TCA right now is the big blue curtain. Can touch it, can't go behind it, can't do a thing! Well, I snuck a few boys back onto our jobsite the see what was happening. They ate cookies and listened and asked some really great questions! They got the first look at the drawings, met the team and walked the site. They weren't supposed to ... but I'm spoiled. Where they will be spending their 8th grade year! Friday night we were back at school for the TCA football game. Somehow I was talked into sitting in 100 degree heat by myself - but they all sat with me anyway. Had to get a shot I forgot to get earlier! THANK YOU BALFOUR BEATTY (Manuel, Lou and David!!) And then once Brody walked up.. the boys went NUTS It was a LONG week last week, but a great one!