No Ya Ya left behind... and the dang dog
Well, in Auburn we realized one Ya Ya didn't get to celebrate her 50th with another Ya Ya. Not on our watch! Poolsie and I flew to ATL to spend the weekend with Thad and Lisa. I was SO looking forward to doing nothing but laughing and floating in a pool for 2 days!
We cheered to '50'!
ate drank and were merry!
But Saturday morning... I got a horrible call from Tristan.
Trooper swallowed a treble hook at the lake. They drove him to Dallas for immediate surgery.
I cried A LOT. I was hours a way, a day before I could see him and I knew this could kill him.
Thank GOD I was with my dearest friends that understand my heart for animals and their heart for me. A lot of hugging and a lot of crying. They calmed me though, I was SO thankful I was with them.
Sunday, Poolsie and I headed to the airport and this funny little place was right in the front door!
Sweet Auburn Market! Ha!
We hugged goodbye and I was off to Dallas.
I came home to this. MY POOR DOG!
This began a VERY LONG two weeks. We had to keep him drugged for TWO WEEKS. He's very playful and we couldn't allow it so massive drugging.
Trooper was sad.. a lot. But I tell myself he was just slightly comatosed!
Poor Boo!
But he was almost ready. Friday we took him to the vet to get cleared and finally, we had the "all good"
Trooper Barber is back and he made his presence VERY known last night at T's sleepover.
It's been a week.. this one also started football. Emotions ALL OVER the place!!
It's all good mom...
It's ALL good!
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