I reminded myself MULTIPLE times that I PAID FOR THIS and this was MY idea ! I thought it was all zip lining.... nope, no it wasn't. There was a little... but it was agility and a ropes course. It was hard, fun and terrifying and a crazy workout. These pictures don't do it justice! Locked and loaded.... I think we were 15 feet in the air and around 20 here... hitting course #16 I was never scared... well that's a lie.. the two jumps were terrifying! I don't like feeling out of control but I pushed myself. And this kid cheered me the entire way! "Come on mom! You've got this! You are doing a great job! I'm proud of you!" over and over and over.. and he was fearless. And so safe, I was seriously SO proud of him Walking tight ropes, chords, wobbly walkways, suspended tires, ropes, suspended bridges... he was AWESOME! This video is T bravely jumping 25 feet off of a perfectly good platform. It's a ropes course kind of like skiing....