Falling into Mother's Day like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!

 I reminded myself MULTIPLE times that I PAID FOR THIS and this was MY idea!  I thought it was all zip lining.... nope, no it wasn't.  There was a little... but it was agility and a ropes course.  It was hard, fun and terrifying and a crazy workout.  

These pictures don't do it justice!

Locked and loaded....

I think we were 15 feet in the air

and around 20 here...

hitting course #16

I was never scared... well that's a lie.. the two jumps were terrifying!
I don't like feeling out of control but I pushed myself.  And this kid cheered me the entire way!

"Come on mom!  You've got this!  You are doing a great job! I'm proud of you!" over and over and over.. and he was fearless.  And so safe, I was seriously SO proud of him

Walking tight ropes, chords, wobbly walkways, suspended tires, ropes, suspended bridges... he was AWESOME!

This video is T bravely jumping 25 feet off of a perfectly good platform.

It's a ropes course kind of like skiing... yellow, green, blue, etc... of course we started at green (ugh) and then by the time were were at an hour to go... we could do Blue III or Black.  Of course, Tristan begs for black and I just don't know... you cannot do that one unless you are 16 OR with an adult.

One guy was there with his mom .. she's an adrenaline junky, (I'm not)... and he looked at me and said "DO IT, your son will remember THIS for the rest of his life." I pray it does.

I got up... I went up black and it was scary as crap ... and at the end.. I jumped 50 feet.  I didn't think I could do it - you free fall the first 8 seconds and then you hit the ground but I found out a "fun fact" when your heart rate spikes... you can't feel your legs.  So when I hit... I landed on my legs but they didn't quite work so just like everyone else, I fell onto my back and laid in the leaves. Not my child, he landed it.  Guess he wasn't as scared as mom.  He high fived me and told me it was the best gift I gave him yet.  Best Mother's Day ever.  I kind of agree!

Thank you Lord for making ways for me to connect with my son!!! So thankful!


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