
Showing posts from March, 2019

A game turns into a play date

Well - he got his uniform in and he looks SO cute and professional.  He asked me almost EVERY day where it was and when it was coming in.  He didn't want to look different than the other kids. Then, he gets it and could care less.  GRRRRR! But I sure cared! But to both of our shock and amazement, Grayson didn't have anything the rest of the day so I stole him. and picked up some donuts to celebrate the WIN!! They are so happy to be back together playing and I couldn't be more thankful.  Such a great group of families too that have also "adopted me" and made us feel like we fit in (even though we aren't at TCA) they are great to us. Last night T had a sleepover so I ordered sushi and crawled into my bed at 8:17pm and stay there until 5am today! I miss him when he's gone but man, I needed some alone time. On to game 2 today (and least it's sunny and 45 and not raining and 40!) and a baseball game tomorrow.  About to be anot...

I didn't write this...

But same goes from this Mom... ---------------------------- Sorry, kids.  (Tristan) Love doesn’t always say “yes.” Love doesn’t always agree. Love doesn’t always give in. Love doesn’t always back down. Love doesn’t always avoid discipline. Love doesn’t always do everything for you. Love doesn’t always go with the flow. Love doesn’t give you everything you want. Love doesn’t always clear the path laid out in front of you. Sorry kids,  (Tristan)  but love doesn’t make sure your life is always easy. Love doesn’t make sure your life is always everything you want it to be. Love doesn’t fix your problems for you, or excuse your bad behavior, or pretend like you can do no wrong. Love doesn’t let you get away with everything. Love doesn’t buy you everything. Love doesn’t pretend like the rain doesn’t exist. Love teaches you to dance in the rain. Love teaches you that after it rains, flowers tend to bloom best. Love holds your hand in the rain, and hug...




He has more talent in his little pinky than I do!! 3RD PLACE OVERALL!! I'm so proud of my boy!!!

And he's a little artist too!!

I'm not supposed to know this BUT.. he scored 39 out of 40 on this... judging takes place in 2 hours.  "Patiently waiting" His hawk (The Hunter) made from tape, glue, paint and feathers. You are just all around AWESOME Tristan!!!

Ain't No "I" in TEAM!

I know the team wins... it's not one person... But man alive.... Tristan came through last night.   3 up... 3 down... KILLED IT!! He knows we don't show boat... so they were all high-fiving, etc.. and congratulating each other... But when I walked up to him - he gave me THE FACE and said "THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE KID!!" and promptly told me I owed him a slushy! I laughed my butt off!!! WAY TO GO T-BONE!!!


Late night game - perfect weather - and we take the win! and this cat... he pitched us right out of the game.  I was so proud!! Saturday morning we had a TCA soccer game in the pouring rain.  7:30am was too early (and wet and cold) for me to pull out the camera! Then we had a Grace Soccer game... still raining... and I was pooped - so we let Baylor drive ok, fine she just sat in the car! That's the OTHER Grayson... T scored 2 or 3 goals... and we won.  Great game. Great weekend.  GREAT FUN!! Thankful he loves sports as much as I do!!

Full House

One of the things I missed with Brittany and Rally was a house of kids... Coming home from work, pantry raided and pretty much empty... because their friends were over. T doesn't have that. He has friends but my house isn't filled with them. Well, that was until Saturday.  Braeden spent the night, then the Mays all came over for the morning. We hit the park, the pond, went on walks.. and had fun.  It was chilly but fun! T said "it's like I really AM her other big brother" - yup... always has been! then B left... and Cullen & Taylor left with Tracy.  Davis was dropped off and then I took these three goobers min golfing.   Tristan was BESIDE himself happy we dropped G home and had another sleepover.  Davis and Tristan just played and laughed and then crawled into my bed.  Once they passed out - I headed into T's room to sprawl out! Ha! After Davis left Sunday - we finished book reports and...

Hadley's 1st First...

Hadley had her first of many things without Kimberly.  I can't even begin to imagine how hard this was.  but what a brave face she put on. And Carolyn and I did our best to support... not replace. we loved on her... and she doesn't know HOW HARD that room below was for me but this made it all worth it... waiting in cars for the results to come in... Had was Lucky #7! And the screams when THEY MADE IT... I felt like I was back in high school again and I felt SO PROUD OF HER there were a million pictures... even stole one with Lane in it But the one I dreaded giving her... was the one that would break her heart but needed to be said Kim was... and always will be there. I struggled with whether or not to put this on her cake - but I did anyway because as Holt says... talking about her, acknowledging her is what makes this somehow bearable. So proud of you Habby Doo - thank you for invitin...

Yet we press on...

When someone dies - they are gone.  Yes, I know you know this. I know this... but they are gone and somehow, everything just keeps on.  Keeps moving.  Parties happen, jokes are told.  People drive to their next appointment and cross the next thing off their to-do list.  That's life. But for others, time stops.  Laughing is impossible, showering feels hard.  It's most painful when you wake up I guess because reality is punching you in the face.  The grief that this family feels is immense. It wasn't supposed to be this way.  She wanted to be at each and every game. She was supposed to see them ALL graduate. She was supposed to be at EVERY wedding.  She planned to hold every grandchild and celebrate every milestone WITH YOU. And yet... here we are. A year ago, these two sat at the cheer banquet celebrating Hadley. a month ago, she was cheering Tristan on, using my finger as a squishy to get her PT in for her hand.  I ...