Well, the first two pics are from a very hard Day 7 I sat here... and bawled. Tristan and I had choice words about his eating. Well, not eating. His snacking. It didn't go well. I'll leave it at that. I sat here. Bawling. Crying out to God to save us. To heal our land. I told Him all of the things I CANNOT do. Well not in my own strength. I told Him all of the places I NEED to move out of. All of the insecurities I have. All the things I have fought SO hard for that I'm fearful He is asking me to just forget about. I'm scared of His "NO". I'm scared that I'm being corrected or chastised for all of the decisions I've made until now. That I've just messed it all up. But then, I remember that I'm just not that powerful. God has shown up for me in so many ways, so many times, and I can't forget that. I can't be like all of God's people who wandered in the desert 40 years... and then in their freedom, they w...