
Showing posts from November, 2020

It's beginning to look A LOT like Christmas!!

 I started early... shoot me. I needed some joy.  2020 has NOT been kind and I will do anything and everything to make my heart happy!! Decorated my downstairs guest bathroom a little last night I watched T make his annual gingerbread house... At 9pm he asked for a snack, I flippantly said yes.  Next time I need parameters. LOL This little village on my table SO reminds me of Auburn. No clue why... but I want to go there and build a snowman... Lit up at night... Little decs in the kitchen... and then my stairs... My tree in my room and T's in his room.... we went to Bass Pro today for our annual photo.  You can't even see Grinch's dog's antler on my head!  WAAAAAH! #2020stinkstankstunk - even the pictures!! I had this made for T by my friend Wendy... Won't mean much to T now but I hope someday it does and the most important scene of all... the one I see as I'm doing my Bible study... It's the little things... and I know these are just THINGS .. but for whate...

Random November-ness

 COVID IS HARD. Makes doing nothing and everything hard. The only service project I could allow was Lovepacs with our friends Julie and her son Lucas. The boys loved it! Upon arrival my old Community Group was there packing!  It was SO fun to see them!! We headed home and I took Trooper in to be weighed. He's 6 1/2 months old... and he's a horse. He weighs 93.5 pound and I almost passed out. I bought a small horse. Then Thursday we handed out lunches in celebration of Thanksgiving. Normally Balfour does a huge lunch and we all bring sides and celebrate.  The 15 years I've been there I've never missed one and I wasn't about to this year!! I asked, Pleas said yes, I found a caterer and BOOM! Eric helped hand them out and I was pretty darn impressed! Last weekend we took the boys out to play some mini golf.  It's about the only thing we can still DO outdoors that is "cool" and safe... and I ordered a sign for Tristan... that I hope someday sinks in. Alice...

A (not so) Happy Halloween

  Tristan normally goes out with the Grayson but they were invited to a party and decided to go do that.  He took it like a champ, was fine.  Me, not so much. We talked long and hard about Covid and being in large groups and the potential dangers of that.  I told him we could go out, I'd find some friends BUT we'd have to be very careful. He just didn't want to.  So, I offered to go to the old-timey candy store and he could get his loot there (in lieu of me paying for a costume).  It was going to be a long day anyway... and I was ready to hit the Hallmark Channel. Well, T had a soccer game, it didn't go well. Tears, a loss, crappy ref, just cruddy. There was a full moon A time change  and it was Halloween. I shouldn't have expected much. Halloween was off, he was not trick-or-treating. He didn't want to. Until he did.  At 8:01pm.  So with no costumes (that's a first) Sooooo, what the heck, who was I to say no. He was going to be a soccer play...