It's beginning to look A LOT like Christmas!!

 I started early... shoot me. I needed some joy.  2020 has NOT been kind and I will do anything and everything to make my heart happy!!

Decorated my downstairs guest bathroom a little

last night I watched T make his annual gingerbread house...

At 9pm he asked for a snack, I flippantly said yes.  Next time I need parameters. LOL

This little village on my table SO reminds me of Auburn. No clue why... but I want to go there and build a snowman...

Lit up at night...

Little decs in the kitchen...

and then my stairs...

My tree in my room

and T's in his room....

we went to Bass Pro today for our annual photo.  You can't even see Grinch's dog's antler on my head!  WAAAAAH!

#2020stinkstankstunk - even the pictures!!

I had this made for T by my friend Wendy...

Won't mean much to T now but I hope someday it does

and the most important scene of all... the one I see as I'm doing my Bible study...

It's the little things... and I know these are just THINGS .. but for whatever reason, they just bring me SO MUCH joy!

Father, help me to make it magical, to make it calm and peaceful but more than anything, may it be about giving and about YOU!!!


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