Thursday we were up and at it again! After breakfast our guide gave us the history of Antigua, and Guatemala City. We came upon a HUGE event in Guatemala City called Guatemala Corpus Christi VERY religious and very beautiful. It's their HOLY WEEK! (news: Bishop Tulio Perez Rivera leads a Catholic procession celebrating Corpus Christi in Antigua, Guatemala, Thursday, May 30, 2024. Corpus Christi celebrates the tradition and belief of the Holy Eucharist, which for Christians represents the body and blood of Jesus Christ.) Babies all dressed like angels - SO CUTE!!! floral confetti everywhere!! The leaders had never seen this in the 22 years of coming. It was amazing!! They made "carpets" of flowers and pine and made them beautiful for the priests to walk on Huge parade... In the tour we went down in some underground caves and that is where they burned the bodies of those with leprosy and malaria and all of the diseases. It was so cool and uber creepy. ...