A night to remember... T's best Valentine's Day


It's Valentine's Day and he's off to ask Iris to be his Valentine.

Jellycat bouquet of flowers and favorite Starbucks on the way to TCA!

Apparently she loved it!

This isn't the pic of my mom tonight but she called me while I was at work to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day!  It was so special!!

Then, we chatted for about 30 minutes last night and giggled. We talked about Dad being so lonely and how she never was. She made the most of her life, didn't regret or spend it sad. I told her that's what I wanted to be... happy, thankful and content.

I was afraid I would be so sad all the time at this stage.  No kids to drive around, no husband, I don't have a ton of friends that I truly hang out with on the weekends and T has his own life.

I can still CHOOSE to feel loved.

Then two nights ago, I get this.

LOVE TANK FULL!  Thanks for throwing me a bone Tristan... and for the nudge God!

Then tonight after T drives off for his date... Jackson and Grayson tell me they have gone shopping, they have gifts for Iris from Tristan and they are dropping in on his date without them knowing! 

They plot and plan and go to the restaurant. I told them to show their picture so when they arrive, they can walk the gift basket over.

After a few Facetimes of "we are thinking we should..."

I get this!

Then I get a call from G and J explaining what went down. SO FUNNY! 

And what great friends!!

Then Jackson and Grayson ask if they can spend the night.

Of course!

It's not lost on me that I was fighting my internal sadness because there are no more kids here.  Because my house is so quiet and I miss it all.

And what does the Lord do? He answer that in the most unexpected way!

About an hour later, G and J show up and go hang out in the living room.  45 minutes later, I get this.

I'm SO thankful you you trusted me with this T. I'm so happy for you. I'm SO proud of the man you are becoming. Growing and maturing and learning to be respectful and thoughtful and finding YOUR path.

He's turning into a great man. I am one proud mom.  I may be "alone" but I am always seen, heard, loved and provided for.  I am blessed.

Valentine's Day 2025 for the WIN!


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