A glimpse of the past... and a glimpse of the future

We were lucky enough to get to steal G for a few hours...

These two just have a blast together.

G won....again...

Then it was snowcone:30

This is the shack that he gave $20 of his own money to help the girl go to college. He demanded I got get money out of the bank and go back (we had just left there) and no way was I letting him get another huge snowcone, but I thought maaaybe something was up.  He marched right up to the counter and she recognized him and was like "Why are you here again" face - and he said, "I hope you like college". She cried... I cried... and then he had tears. I was SO proud of him. Still, am - his heart is amazing.

and when we got home (of course) T had to go on and on about how he finally could ride a bike!

They played on the Xbox and it was time to riiiiiide.

They asked if they could just go to Ruth Ann's... I said yes.

It's scary saying yes when new things are in place. The new bike, rules of the road, showing off in front of your BFF, just trying to figure it all out.

But off they went.

I grabbed the stuff for our cookout and after giving them a few minutes..I headed down.

They made it alright.  They were already off the bikes and in the creek finding treasures.

Baylor was quite happy to join along...

and just like that, I was reminded of when I grew up. How we were sent out and told to be back by the time the street lights came on.  Those were simpler days.  You didn't have to worry about child molesters or child trafficking. Kids could be kids and they could be outside and figure things out for themselves.  There were really many scheduled playdates, you played tag and hide and go seek with whoever showed up that night. It was magical.  And we had no idea. Because it had always been that way.

and I know it's not forever, but for today it felt like a big SOMETHING.

Then D showed up... he'staying over for camp.  And they really do all get along so well!

We all swam and played games and had fun pool time.  Ruth Ann was happy to have a busy pool once again.  James even jumped in and of course... Holt was the shark.

after dinner, we cleaned up and the boys begged to head home - BY THEMSELVES.

So, I swallowed hard and once again said ok.  Off they went - but I told them to go the long way.  So they did.  I cleaned up and headed home and they were actually at the corner I turned at.

And I swear it was like watching a drag race... GAME ON!  All three of them tearing down the street on bikes.

Everything in me wanted to stop them and warn Tristan...I'm mumbling (to Baylor) oh no,oh no, oh no!!!  and BAM!  Tristan flies off his bike and rolls across the pavement.  He popped up SO fast = I mean SO fast and I could tell how badly he wanted to cry.  But he didn't.  I got out of my car and asked if he was ok.  If it was just us... he would have cried.  But he didn't. He just sucked it up.  Then we noticed his chain was off so Davis came back and we fixed it. Mom wasn't gonna fix it and I let him man up, I was proud of both of us. Mr. Cool got back on his back and he and Davis slowly drove back.  G was at the house wondering where the heck they were and then felt pretty bad about winning and not paying attention to no one else rounding the corner.  Oh, competition at it's best. I assured G that I'm so competitive I would have absolutely flown to the house to win too... but maybe next time... he checks a little more quickly when no one returns. LOL

Most of that is grease from the chain and marks from the pavement. The only scrape was on his lower back. I thought for sure he ripped up his legs.

All in all it was a good day.  You are a lucky little dude Tristan.  It's fun watching you navigate the world and grow into a man. I'll do my best to only smooch you and coddle you at home. I know those days are numbered too.  Just can't help it. NO GREATER JOY than being your mom!!!

I love you and I hope you remember - even just one of these days - to know how much you are loved!

Love, Mom


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